Weekly Hook-up: 12/15/21 - 12/21/21WednesdayAtlanta Filmmaker Showcase at Waller's Coffee Shop (FREE) Drink & Doodle at ABV Gallery Finely Crafted: Cocktails & Comedy at Old Fourth Distillery Wednesdays are a Drag at Park Tavern  ThursdayNaughty or Nice Comedy at Ponce City Market Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Terrific Thursday in Decatur  FridayDecember Friday Jazz at the High MuseumFestive Fridays at The Works (FREE)Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Ten Buck Comedy at ASW Whiskey Exchange  SaturdayArtists and Fleas Saturday Market at Ponce City MarketBotanical St. Nick at the Atlanta Botanical GardenGingerbread Trailer Park at Euclid Avenue Yacht Club Last Minute Krampus at Heck.house (FREE) REVERENCE performance on the Beltline Selfies with Santa at Ponce City Market Sugar Plum Fairy Forest & Ballet Performance at Buckhead VillageTaming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Tiny Doors ATL Open Studio  SundayHoliday Sweater Stand-up at Round Trip Brewing (FREE) Last Minute Krampus at Heck.house (FREE) REVERENCE performance on the Beltline Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater  MondayRoleCall Indie Film Showcase TuesdayThe Christmas Jinx Table Read at RoleCall Theater
WednesdayAtlanta Filmmaker Showcase at Waller's Coffee Shop (FREE) Drink & Doodle at ABV Gallery Finely Crafted: Cocktails & Comedy at Old Fourth Distillery Wednesdays are a Drag at Park Tavern  ThursdayNaughty or Nice Comedy at Ponce City Market Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Terrific Thursday in Decatur  FridayDecember Friday Jazz at the High MuseumFestive Fridays at The Works (FREE)Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Ten Buck Comedy at ASW Whiskey Exchange  SaturdayArtists and Fleas Saturday Market at Ponce City MarketBotanical St. Nick at the Atlanta Botanical GardenGingerbread Trailer Park at Euclid Avenue Yacht Club Last Minute Krampus at Heck.house (FREE) REVERENCE performance on the Beltline Selfies with Santa at Ponce City Market Sugar Plum Fairy Forest & Ballet Performance at Buckhead VillageTaming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater Tiny Doors ATL Open Studio  SundayHoliday Sweater Stand-up at Round Trip Brewing (FREE) Last Minute Krampus at Heck.house (FREE) REVERENCE performance on the Beltline Taming of the Shrew at RoleCall Theater  MondayRoleCall Indie Film Showcase TuesdayThe Christmas Jinx Table Read at RoleCall Theater