Weekly Hook-up: 8/28/19 - 9/3/19WednesdayComedy on Draught at Three Taverns BreweryDrink and Doodle Vol. 65 at ABV GalleryFood Truck Round-up at Blackburn ParkYoga in the Park at Atlantic Station ThursdayCocktails in the Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden FridayDecatur Book FestivalTen Buck Comedy at Highland Inn Ballroom & Lounge SaturdayDragon Con ParadeDecatur Book Festival SundayDecatur Book FestivalKing of Pops Free Yoga at Old 4th Ward ParkSunset Sessions at Park Tavern
WednesdayComedy on Draught at Three Taverns BreweryDrink and Doodle Vol. 65 at ABV GalleryFood Truck Round-up at Blackburn ParkYoga in the Park at Atlantic Station ThursdayCocktails in the Garden at the Atlanta Botanical Garden FridayDecatur Book FestivalTen Buck Comedy at Highland Inn Ballroom & Lounge SaturdayDragon Con ParadeDecatur Book Festival SundayDecatur Book FestivalKing of Pops Free Yoga at Old 4th Ward ParkSunset Sessions at Park Tavern